We have been fighting illness here the past two weeks. It started with Jonathan and then I got it. Gratefully my cold didn't last nearly as long as his. Then Janie woke us up last night with an ear infection and fever and Lucy has a little cold too. Boo. But thankfully we have a doctor in the house. He looked in Janie's ear, called in a prescription and I went and picked it up. Hopefully we will all be healthy and happy this coming week. (Fingers crossed.)
But we still had some fun this week. The girls have been watching more tv than usual with me sick, which they love. :) One afternoon on Blue's Clues, Blue and her friends made newspaper hats. We had to do that too!
And the girls had a pretend yard sale. So funny.
And Lucy. She keeps me so busy. She is so fast and is into everything. I don't remember the other girls being so into things but I am sure they were. It's just that I am older and it's been awhile. Right now she is teething again, poor thing. I wish they would just wake up with 25 teeth instead of spreading it out over a year. But she has moved from formula to whole milk which is so nice for me and our budget. :) She loves to clap and give slobbery, open mouth kisses. Those are the best!!
Every time I pull out the camera, Sami wants me to take a picture. I am happy to oblige. She has truly become my big helper with Lucy. She plays with her, picks up her toys, tells me when she is putting something in her mouth. I am so grateful for her helpful, sweet, little spirit.
The other night I was thinking how much I appreciate this exhausting stage in our lives. The girls love to be home and watch Backyardigans and make cookies. Going to McDonald's with Dad is the best thing ever. One day they will want their curfews extended and beg to go to the movies with boys. I enjoy the simpleness of life right now. The girls go to bed at 7 pm and it's wonderful! I know they are safe and snug in their beds. So even though I am tired most of the time, I wouldn't change it for anything.
Well said. And I am cracking up about the yard sale game!! :)
Wow, a $10 comb and blue toy. These girls drive a hard bargain!
We've been passing around the same cold at our house too-yuck!
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