Monday, April 8, 2013

Conference and Janie

The more kids I have, the harder it is for me to concentrate on general conference. 
Good thing I can print them and watch them again. 
To their credit, Sami and Janie love conference. But I am not kidding myself here. They don't appreciate the spiritual feast. They love the snack-fest that happens around here. I figure we should make some positive associations with conference. So they get lots of snacks and treats. Some for every apostle. And some in between. And then Jonathan brought home donuts, chips, and suckers. Great. More junk. Oh, well. 

And Janie has been doing some really funny things lately and I want to remember them.
Everyday she picks a new name or title that she wants me to call her. Yesterday it was Courtney, the day before that Sophia, and the day before that Princess Jane. 
For a few days she insisted on calling us Mother and Father (only it sounded like Mudder) and insisted that I only call her Daughter. 
Sometimes when I tell her something, she says "ok, Mother, I understand," in such a cute voice it just melts me. She can wink. She tilts her head to be of maximum cuteness effect.
She is totally into skirts. She begs for tights, that I have to put on her. She loves dress up. She has insisted on pig tails every day.
 Last night Jonathan found her like this. She put my socks on her arms for gloves. 

I am so glad we have her in our family. The cuteness is overwhelming.

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