Sunday, May 5, 2013

First Steps

On Tuesday, Lucy took her first step, all my herself. Everyday she gets braver and takes a few more. Today in nursery, she took five steps. 
I think children really are so brave. When I watch Lucy, I admire her, because she knows she is going to fall, but she wants to do it anyway. 
 She loves her push walker and uses it every day. She has calluses on her knees from crawling. Let me just tell you, this little one gets around and does it very quickly, so once she is walking, I think she will be running.
 She loves the little girly things. She finds doll hairbrushes and brushes her hair. She takes out all her hair bows, looks at them, and then tries to put them back in herself. For that reason, she is rarely wearing bows.
 Her sisters love to tickle her. She is getting lots of teeth.
 Her favorite place is in the kitchen with me. Which is good and bad. I like seeing her and having her around me, but I am afraid I am going to trip on her and she is going to get burned or something awful like that. She loves the garbage and is constantly pulling garbage out and looking at it and shredding it. It's kinda gross. 
Our sweet friends, the Harris family, have been angels to our family during residency. They have sat by me and helped me every week in church. They save us seats by them. They bring over birthday presents and Christmas presents for the girls. They are like extra Grandparents. People in the ward have actually thought they were my parents, they help me that much! Last week they came over with cinnamon rolls and matching ASU Sundevil dresses for the girls. I am going to miss them so much when we move!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

They all look so adorable :) First steps that is exciting!!! Keep up the good work mommy!