Monday, November 11, 2013

Leaves Are Falling All Around

Our house is 34 years old so the trees are old enough to make a lot of leaves. When I admired the beautiful trees this summer, I had no idea how much time and effort would go into raking all those leaves.
Thankfully Jonathan does most of it. :)
(Although I think he is super nice because when the leaves from our trees fall into our neighbors yards, he rakes their yards too. I say that is beyond nice, especially while they watch us raking while smoking out on their porch.)
I love this smile.
 Sami is a hard worker. She stayed out with Jonathan all day and only stopped helping to eat lunch. After lunch, I thought she would stay inside and watch a show, but she put her jacket right back on and said, "Dad needs me. I better get back outside." We were so impressed.  

Lucy cracked me up because she was so busy moving leaves from one side of the yard to the other, she didn't even have time to look at the camera and smile. That's the determined child, right there.
 I am so grateful for cameras. I love that we can stop time for a moment and then remember. I LOVE being these girls' mom! I often look at my life and how I got to be so blessed. I don't want it to change. But then I remember that not all change is bad. While I miss my girls being babies, I love seeing who they are becoming now. I love seeing their personalities and what good kids they are. It's a good life.


Unknown said...

Such wonderful happy pictures!I am so glad to hear that Jonathan is recovering and enjoying life again. Just prepare for teenage girls...just round the corner. Your neighbors owe you tons for those leaves. I hope they reciprocate in a special way. We miss the Olsen family and need your mailing address for upcoming birthdays and the holidays!

Katie said...

How fun that the girls were working along side dad. Such cute pictures!!