Sunday, March 30, 2014

St. Patrick's Day

On March 16th, we got our Frozen dvd. We let the girls stay up to watch it and that night when I went to re-tuck everyone in, I saw that Janie went to bed as Elise, with her gloves on (i.e. dirty socks on inside-out).
The next day was St. Patrick's day, so I made green waffles and green eggs for dinner. The girls thought it was fun and I love easy, yummy dinners. The next day, Sami ran out of the bathroom, saying "Mom, I am freaking out! My pee and poo are green!"
Sami wrote a note to McRiley, our family leprechaun. He liked it so much he left a little note for her. Jonathan wrote it super small, I even had a hard time reading it. He told Sami that's how leprechauns write.
We did the same scavenger hunt we do every year. I am pretty sure Sami will figure it out next year. 

 They found their treasure, a bag full of skittles. They were in the mailbox.

I love being a mom to these three.


Katie said...

So fun!!

Whitney said...

cute cute cute!

Heather Macbeth said...

Lily totally does the socks on the hands thing to be Elsa too! Great minds think alike I guess. Ha! Too cute.

Unknown said...

I need to see that movie! Love the song.

Unknown said...

Sorry had to post before I could comment that I love the pics and I love the ideas for St. Patrick's Day. I changed our staff's name plates to Mc...and O' all were Irish for the day. Love the girls smiles!

Natalie said...

What an adorable post-- you guys do a fun things! Lucky girls!