Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

This has been a busy weekend.
But I LOVE Easter, so it's been really fun for me.
We started out with an egg hunt on Saturday morning. A sister from the ward does it every year, she organizes it and fills about a thousand eggs and invites all the kids in the ward. We all donated three bags of candy, but it felt so small when I realized she must have spent hours filling eggs.
 There was a special part reserved from kids from ages 1 to 5. I appreciated that so the little kids could find eggs at their own pace. When Lucy realized what she was supposed to do, she got really into it.

Before we went, I explained to the girls that big kids help little kids. If we come upon an egg at the same time as a little kid, we let the little kid have it. Then when I found out Janie would be with the little kids, I reminded her to be careful of the little ones. Well, she took it to a whole new level. She put her eggs in their baskets. At first the parents thought she was taking eggs out of their baskets, then realized she was putting her eggs in their baskets. At one point, I told her it was okay to put eggs in her basket too, but then I realized she was learning a really good lesson. She was so proud of herself for helping others and making the little kids and their parents happy. That lesson and her joy of serving was worth so much more than candy. And she got candy too.
We actually had our baskets full before the eggs ran out.
Later, we dyed eggs. Well, painted them really.

Right after painting eggs, we went to the church for another Easter party. 
This morning the girls were SO excited to find their baskets. I made them eat a good breakfast of eggs and green smoothies. Then we watched an Easter movie from the church and said a prayer. It was hard for them to wait for all of that, but I felt it was important.
This was Janie's face when she found her basket.

Lucy just sat down and started eating candy.
 She also got a camera, among other things.

It has been so fun. And tiring. But I am so thankful to explain to the girls why we have Easter. It's really about Jesus. I am so, so thankful for Him.
Happy Easter!!


Whitney said...

Hi Chrissy! Hope you had a good birthday week! Fun weekend for you all! All your girls are looking SO grown up. And they are oh so darling! Happy Easter!

Katie said...

Your girls are looking so much older! Wow! I hope you had a great birthday and Easter!