Monday, May 19, 2014

Jonathan's Birthday

I have struggled with blogging lately. I have been so busy with my primary calling. I feel like it kinda zaps all my spare time and energy.
But I don't want to forget these moments.
Last week was Jonathan's birthday. And his mom was in town. So Trish, Janie, Lucy, and I all drove downtown and surprised him and his office with brownies. This is a picture of his first taste. :)

I had never been to Jonathan's office before. But it was fun to see where he works and he loved the surprise.
It embarrasses Jonathan when I get all mushy about him on the computer, so I will just say that my life is so great with him. I love you, honey!
I am hoping to do a bigger post about his mom's visit. Life feels like it is racing by with all the school stuff coming to an end. But life is good.


Christi said...

I know what you mean about being busy in primary- I was just called as primary president also! It is seriously like a full time job- I love it but it is definitely a lot of work!!

Whitney said...

Your girls! They are getting so big! Happy birthday to your husband, but oh geez - your cute girls! I especially love those pics of Lucy!

Katie said...

Happy Birthday to Jonathan! What a fun surprise!!

Unknown said...

Sending a belated Happy Birthday to Jonathan! Mushy is good once in a while to keep the hubbies just "a wee bit surprised" at all times!