Monday, March 16, 2015

Happy Birthday Lucy!!

Today Lucy is three years old!!
I can't believe that just yesterday, she was this: 
 And in the blink of an eye, she's not a baby anymore. 
She's three.
She's tenacious. She's adorable. She wants to be doing exactly what her big sisters are doing.
 She has stolen all of our hearts. 
She has also driven me to seek out more parenting books. 
 She loves to sing and dance. She dresses up every day. She often says, "Mom, Lucy is a princess." We agree. 
She is learning her abcs. She can count to 20 almost all by herself. She loves to sing "Twinkle, Twinkle", "Itsy, Bitsy, Spider, and "I am a Child of God." 
One of her favorite things is to go to Costco with me. 
 Happy birthday, Little Lady. We love you so, so much!!!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Lucy! I was heading to bed last night and I realized the date and I realized that I was derelict in my birthday card duties! Sister Harris' is late, late, late! There will be a card in the mail for a cute 3-year old birthday girl today! She sure as grown and look at all that hair!

Mandy said...

She is such a doll! Can't believe how she has grown. They all grow so fast. congrats on the job in Draper... I SO wish it was AZ.... But I know you will love it and everyone will love your little family! Congrats!