Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Valentine's Day 2016

We had a really fun Valentine's Day this year. 
I made fondue. First we had cheese fondue, where we dipped chicken sausages, bread, apples, and carrots. Then we had chocolate fondue and we dipped rice krispie treats and strawberries. It was delish!
But mostly, it was so nice to spend the day together. 

After dinner, we wrote Valentine's Day cards for each other. I made 4 cards for each person and we each made a card for every other member of the family. It was really fun to see the girls get into their cards. They wanted to make each other happy. 

Jonathan also got into it. He did borders around his cards and used different colored ink. It was fun. I loved watching my family express love for each other. That's what Valentine's Day is all about. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are making such wonderful family traditions! I would just make fudge for my boys (including Warren, of course). You go the extra mile!