Sunday, April 24, 2016

Catching Up

I am behind on my blogging. 
But in my defense, life has been crazy here. 
We had another flood in our basement. (Enter crying cat emoji here.)
My 17-year-old nephew moved in with us. (We love him!)
I started another blog. (Shoot me now.) It's at, for those interested.
Jonathan's work is changing and being so crazy. I can't say anything yet, but changes are coming to that part of our lives. We hope and pray that they are blessings in disguise.
And we are getting ready for my mom to move in with us within the next two weeks. My parents filed for divorce (enter crying cat emoji again), and my mom is going to live with us for awhile. (We are super excited for my mom to live with us. Hello, date night!) 
And my girls started soccer for the first time. (Shoot me now-again!) We have practice and games twice a week, and I wonder if it's worth it. Between piano, activity days, soccer, and life, we are staying busy. 

But, as always, life is good. 
Lucy had a fun, little birthday party. We all adore this little girl. I am so glad she is in our family. 
Dave, my nephew, is awesome sauce. I am super proud of him. He is doing well in school here, has a busier social life than me, and is so much fun for Jonathan. I guess Jonathan needed another male in the house. Those two are best buds. 
Easter was great. My neighbor, Shawnna, put on a great Easter egg hunt. It was a lot of fun. 
The Easter baskets were a hit, as always. 

And Janie was a star student of the month in March. She was recognized for her good behavior. Way to go, Janie!

I am so thankful for my life. Sometimes I how I got to be so blessed. I constantly hope and pray to be more worthy of the amazing blessings I have. 

1 comment:

Katie said...

I loved catching up on your cute family! Your girls are getting so big and are as adorable as ever! I'm sorry to hear about your parents. You are amazing and I am grateful for your example in my life.