Saturday, April 19, 2008

The best way to spend a birthday!

This was my first birthday as a mom, and I loved it! It was my favorite birthday ever! Not only did I celebrate it with my wonderful hubby and darling daughter, but my parents and my sister were here too. We had such a good time and we were all sad to see them leave this morning. It was fun to see Samantha so happy as she played with her grandparents and Auntie Rachel, they kept her smiling and laughing nonstop.

So I not only spent my special day with special people, I also got awesome gifts! Jonathan bought me a wheat grinder. I am so excited to start making homemade bread and cinnamon rolls. Along with the grinder, he also gave me a dozen roses, and Dove chocolates (oh yeah)! My friends Patti and Annie also bought me flowers and a candy bar and the kids from CASA brought me over a homemade red velvet cake. It was a wonderful day.


Liz Wilcken said...

Happy Late Birthday! I'm glad to hear you've had a good day! Here's to you and another year! Much love from us too. Give Sami a kiss :)
~The Wilcken Gang

THK ~ Jonathan and Jill said...

What wonderfulness!!! We are glad you had such a super birthday and had your family there as well . . . you could not ask for more. It is fun to see pictures of your parents - to see the wonderful people you always talk about :)

Lisa said...

Ok, what a lame friend am I that I missed your birthday! I'm going to have to make it up to you. It sounds like you had a great day. Happy birthday!

Pattie said...

I am thrilled you had a great day... check out my blog..

TerriLyn said...

Oh Chrissy! I didn't know it was your birthday!! Happy birthday! It sounds like it was awesome!