Monday, May 5, 2008

A Family Resemblance?

My landlord is very sweet and has become a friend. Every time I see her, she tells me how much Sami looks like me. She knows Sami is adopted, so she's just being nice, right? The obvious difference is Sami has gorgeous blue eyes, and mine are dark (although my sister and two brothers have blue eyes). But when my parents came two weeks ago, my mom brought my baby pictures because she thinks Sami looks like me too! She said that there was something about Samantha's nobby chin, button nose, and chubby cheeks that reminded her of me.

Okay, so it's not an exact match, but I'll take it! One side note though, do you like the dirt background used in my pictures? Those were from the "wilderness days," you know, when my parents lived in the teepee. Speaking of the teepee, I thought I'd throw in a picture of it just for fun:

With parents like this, you'd think I would be a little tougher, maybe take the cold a little bit better. I did live without electricty and running water until I eight for goodness sake! It just goes to show you, genes aren't everything :) !


Liz Wilcken said...

You lived in a teepee?! Coolness! And here are the rest of us who try to build our own as kids with card tables, kitchen chairs and blankets. I definitely think Sami looks like you :)

Becca said...

Sami really does look like you Chrissy! That is so awesome to compare your baby pics! Beautiful! :D

THK ~ Jonathan and Jill said...

Too Fun!!! I had totally forgotten about your parents teepee days - you did turn out well! And I think I can see some resemblance between you and Sami:)

Melanie Chambers said...

That's the coolest "something you didn't know about me" comment with the TeePee. I think there is a resemblence between you and your beautiful daughter. Everything is meant to be.

TerriLyn said...

Woa, a tee pee. Cool! Sami is sucha sweetie.

Erin said...

That's funny - The middle two pictures really do look so similar! By the way, I didn't know you had such a rockin' background! What in the world - that is just too funny!!