Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth of July!

Our days in Kirksville are numbered. In fact, we leave for Arizona two weeks from today. So we needed one last celebration before we all split up, and what better time to be together than Independence day! So here's a group picture of some of the people we have been hanging out with for the past two years. We are definitely going to miss you guys!

Moms and their babies:

Just the babies:

My tired little angel:

I think the Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays. I didn't really appreciate this country until I went to a couple of third world countries and I was so shocked at how people lived. For the first time, I saw real poverty and desperation. I am so grateful for all the opportunities and privileges our country offers. I am so grateful for the men and women who sacrifice so much for our country. God bless America!


Becca said...

Such cute pictures of everyone! I'm glad you had fun on the 4th! Thanks for posting! Can't wait to see you!!! :)

Liz Wilcken said...

That is a great picture of Sami at the end :)

Unknown said...

We sure are going to miss you guys! Thanks for celebrating the 4th with us.

Pattie said...

it has been such a blessing being your vt..especaially the past 6 month you have been such a strength to me..i appreicate your friendship..thank you for sharing your special adoption with me i was so glad to be apart of it. Congratulations on the upcoming olson baby.

TerriLyn said...

I am getting so nostalgic these days! We're so going to miss you guys and our fun get togethers.