Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Today I am officially 34 weeks pregnant. I can't believe that Janie will be here in about six weeks. We are so grateful to Heavenly Father that this has been a healthy and easy pregnancy.

Also, Arizona Prop 102 PASSED last night! Prop 102 is essentially the same as Prop 8 in California. It bans same-sex marriage and changes the AZ constitution to reflect that. We were so excited and grateful that it passed!

Jonathan and I voted through a mail in ballot. It was one of the smartest things we've ever done because we had time to research all the candidates and propositions. And I didn't have to stand in line with my sweet 11 month old. And since I didn't have to wait in line, I was able to babysit Julia so my friend Suzanne could stand in line to vote. The girls had so much fun together and played so well together. The toy kitchen was the hot spot for play.

I took this picture a couple of days ago but I had to throw it in because it's so cute. Sami has really taken to Care Bears lately. Jonathan bought her a yellow Care Bear for Christmas last year and it sings the ABCs. And I found a pink Care Bear at a yard sale and Sami loves both of her bears. I loved Care Bears as a kid so I'm glad they're back and Sami likes them now.


Becca said...

Congratulations, Chrissy! I am sooo excited to see little Janie!

Samantha is soooo adorable and I love that you set up the play kitchen already! It looks like she loves it!

THK ~ Jonathan and Jill said...

Oh my! Is Sami really almost 1 year old!?!?!?! I can hardly believe it! We can hardly wait to see pictures of your new little one - what goodness of life for all of you!

Pattie said...

what a cute name i am so excited for you and little samantha is getting so big. btw we are having a boy...