Monday, February 22, 2010

Steps & Spiders

On Thursday, February 18th, 2010, Janie {13 1/2 months old} took her first real step! She wasn't holding on to anyone or anything. She was so proud of herself! She still prefers to be holding on to something while walking, but we know that before long she is going to be chasing Sami all over the house. And Sami will love every minute of it!

Now I want to tell you a little story about my sweetie-pie husband. When I first met Jonathan, he told me he was terrified of spiders. He had watched a scary movie about spiders as a kid and has been scared of them ever since. This reality sunk home to me when one day as newlyweds Jonathan shrieked and jumped on the kitchen table yelling "Spider! Chrissy, kill it! Kill it!" I thought he was kidding-he does have a very playful nature, after all. But he wasn't kidding. And the cries of "kill it! Kill it!" didn't stop until I had indeed killed it. I remember muttering something sarcastic like "Wow, my hero" as he climbed off the table after the poor insect had met its demise at my hand. But Jonathan is just so wonderful that I couldn't possibly hold a fear of spiders against him.
Fast forward through the years of marriage, med school, and kiddos, to yesterday. We were just home from church and I went into the bathroom and saw a black spider on the wall. This time, I shrieked and called for Jonathan! Jonathan came running and when I pointed at the spider, he looked at me and said "it's just a little thing," and took some toilet paper and squished the spider. For me. Then he looked at me and said "I've come a long way." I just grinned and thought that this man truly is my hero, in every sense of the word!


kh said...

That is the sweetest thing!

Yay for Janie! She's such a big girl!

Becca said...

Yay Janie & Jonathan! Cute stories!

Our Family Bond said...

I'm proud of you Jonathan! You were so overexposed as a child by all of us older kids. I remember the trauma began when we watched "Arachnophobia" and even though I was a teenager when I saw it, I still had nightmares too. You have conquered your fear of spiders AND kicked you addiction to video games, you truly have become a real man! Love you, Sis

Katie said...

Such a great story! I am excited for Janie :)

Heather Macbeth said...

Hahahaha! Love it!

Christi said...

Good for Janie!! That's great about the spider story- I STILL can't watch Arachnophobia! It scares the heeby jeebies out of me today!!

Liz Wilcken said...

Love it! :D