Sunday, January 30, 2011

Growing Up

This week the girls found out they loved my laundry baskets because they make excellent cars. So they sat in their "cars" a lot this week, and I would even hear Sami say "Seatbelts. So we can be safe-"a classic Dora line. And they load up their cars with purses and then start "texting" on their fake cell phones. It is so cute, in a bitter-sweet sort of way. I want them to still be my babies, but they want to grow up.  And they sure are growing fast.


Becca said...

Awww...they're so cute playing together! :)

kh said...

super cute chrissy!

Katie said...

There is nothing better than watching kids pretend together. Love it!

Liz Wilcken said...

Wow...this is sad. Janie and Sami know how to text and I don't. I never have...can you believe it?!