Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sami's Birthday

 I can't believe my Sami girl is 4 years old.
Sami is a sweetie pie. For sure.
At 4 years old, Sami is:
Confident: A few weeks ago we were at a new park and there were only 2 swings. And there were lots of big kids. While Sami was waiting for me to help her on a swing, a big kid (she was probably about 7 years old), came and jumped on it. Sami was upset and crying when I got to her. I told her that wasn't nice of the big girl but we would wait and she would have a turn soon. She said, "No, Mama, " and she ran up to the big girl on the swing and said (in a pleading, loud voice), "Girl! Girl! I want to swing!" Well, after a few moments, she got off and gave the swing to Sami. I thought that was very brave of Sami.

When my parents were here for Thanksgiving, we took the girls to our usual park. There were two boys about Sami's age there, and she just started playing with them. Their moms were talking on the other side of the park. The boys went to their moms' bags and started getting out crackers. Sami ran up to their moms and in a loud voice said, "Excuse me. Can I have some snacks please?" The moms were surprised. But kindly said yes, she could. I was glad that she politely asked instead of just eating them but I was just surprised at how confident she was to do that. 

A back seat driver: She tells me when I'm going to fast, when to stop, etc. She definitely doesn't understand left hand turn arrows though. Or why I can make a right turn when the light is red. Ha, ha.

A Daddy's Girl: She and her Daddy like the same things. For example, when we go to the pool, Jonathan puts Sami on his shoulders and then walks to the deep end where he takes them both under the water. Sami comes up smiling with her eyes wide open asking for more.
And then there's the dragon game. Where Jonathan says he's a dragon, and Sami runs away screaming. A happy scream.

A bit bossy: It's a big sister thing. I would know. ;) Just ask my brothers. 

Kind: Sami wants to be a good friend. She loves people and says hi to everyone.

Loves preschool and tumbling: Oh, these are a few of her favorite things!

Enthusiastic about life: When she's excited, she can't help but yell when she's trying to tell us something. She doesn't even realize it. But life is so exciting to her.

And she says cute, funny things:Yesterday she said, "Mom, I like pets. I like sharks. I like mermaids. I like donkeys, and cats. And I like you. And I like Daddy and Sissy." 
 We are so, so blessed to have her in our family! I can't imagine life without her. She is sunshine in our home.
 Happy Birthday, our sweet Samantha!! We love you!


Becca said...

Happy Birthday, Sami! Lots of love from Preston and I! :)

Heather Macbeth said...

Happy belated bday Sami!!!! Those were adorable pics. I love her personality.

david said...

Fabulous pictures and a terrific time. Thanks for posting the pictures. They are so much fun to look at. Have a great Holiday Season.

Liz Wilcken said...

The story about the snacks remind me of Becca. The rest remind me of me. :) Guess it comes with being a big sister :) Thanks for the holiday card. Love ya'll!

Katie said...

Sami is adorable! Loved this post about her. So happy she had a great birthday!!

Mary Ann said...

Loved the post and all the photos!